The Spyship At Zabagad

Some “experts” will have you believe this is a fishing boat ,a trawler or even a cargo boat!

One such expert demanded a magazine editor should accompany us on our expeditons and expose the facts.One did and his editorial did us proud!

read the facts in our free E book “THE RUSSIAN WRECK AT  ZABAGAD”


The subject of this book again flaunted with the disbelievers- they laughed when I revealed the discovery of  Russian spy ship, off course I was wrong was’nt I. One novelist demanded the diving press expose me a s a fraud- so they came along- as we carried out a week long investigation. A trawler? a cargo ship? a fishing boat?- A glimpse of the James Bond cold war era. Read and believe.the bantinites silenced again!

its free to download, or send an E to

We will be running several trips to the south in 2019.For info on the other wrecks in the area download “EGYPTS SOUTHERN WRECKS”.Its full of wrecks , the “experts” claim don’t exist……..

demand will be heavy for these selected dates-book early to avoid disapointment.


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